External Affairs

The External Affairs Council works to address issues with entities outside the scope of the University Administration, including the Town of Durham, the State of New Hampshire, and the UNH Foundation. The Council also oversees relations between the student body and alumni. The External Affairs Council formulates policies and initiatives aimed at tackling issues in these areas

The External Affairs Council Chairperson also sits as the official representative of the student body to the Durham Town Council.

The  External Affairs Council  is responsible for liaising with:

  1. The University Alumni Association
  2. The University of New Hampshire Parents Council
  3. The University of New Hampshire Foundation Board of Directors
  4. The Town of Durham
  5. The General Court of New Hampshire
  6. The Office of the Governor of New Hampshire
  7. The Executive Council of New Hampshire
abby b headshot

Abigail Bagley

External Affairs Council Chairperson
Office Hours: TBD

Policy Goals: To improve the relationship between students and the people and businesses of Durham


  • Brendan Bunnell (Student Senator)
  • Shay Gillis (Student Senator)
  • Bella Johnson (Student Senator)
  • Olivia Welch (Student Senator)
  • Dina Rathkke (Student Body Vice President)

Recent Resolutions

Resolution Name Date Passed
44.06 Thank You from the External Affairs Council 10/23/2022
44.20 Regarding Updating the Commuter Student Lounge 02/26/2023
44.26 Regarding Pedestrian Safety on Campus 03/26/2023